
The Well Adjusted Gamer podcast is a video game podcast focused on the behind the scenes art and development of video games! Look forward to special guests and great interviews meant to inspire potential developers and gamers alike.

Episode 019 - Building a Car-Cade with Daniel Chote

This week we’re diving head first in to a great conversation I had the other day with a fellow named Daniel Chote! He’s a fellow sim racing gamer, full stack developer, dad, and bench-top tinkerer of the highest order.

I found Dan via a tweet from the Dirt 4 Twitter account that was showing off his latest creation: a table top car-cade with a itty bitty wheel and throttle running DIRT RALLY!!! We also talk about some of Dan’s other neat projects and particularly, his crazy motion simulating racing seat!

You can find out more about Dan and his projects at projectable.me and on Twitter using @dchote

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